
Prayers Of Thanksgiving

Submitted by Ian Reid on 9 November, 2020

Prayers Of Thanksgiving

We are thankful to God for a successful four week trial in gathering on Sundays at Garratt St.

We pray for all those in our church community and trust in the Lord's direction and wisdom for our future together.

We are thankful for all those who do faithfully and effectively serve across the various ministries.

We are grateful for our reach as a church going far beyond our local community vis online worship services. We have so much to be thanks for!

Blessings Pastor Ian

God of all blessings, source of all life, giver of all grace:

We thank you for the gift of life: for the breath that sustains life, for the food of this earth that nurtures life, for the love of family and friends without which there would be no life.

We thank you for the mystery of creation: for the beauty that the eye can see, for the joy that the ear may hear, for the unknown that we cannot behold filling the universe with wonder, for the expanse of space that draws us beyond the definitions of our selves.

We thank you for setting us in communities: for families who nurture our becoming, for friends who love us by choice, for companions at work, who share our burdens and daily tasks, for strangers who welcome us into their midst, for people from other lands who call us to grow in understanding, for children who lighten our moments with delight, for the unborn, who offer us hope for the future.

We thank you for this day: for life and one more day to love, for opportunity and one more day to work for justice and peace, for neighbors and one more person to love and by whom be loved, for your grace and one more experience of your presence, for your promise: to be with us, to be our God, and to give salvation.

For these, and all blessings, we give you thanks, eternal, loving God, through Jesus Christ we pray. Amen. Vienna Cobb Anderson

Thanks To God

Submitted by Ian Reid on 26 October, 2020

Thanks To God

Join me in prayers of thanksgiving as we thank God for His goodness and grace.

It has been so great to be able to gather these past few Sundays at Garratt St.

For those now able to meet and worship in fellowship reminds us so much of the deep value and benefits of community in Christ.

We continue to pray for the whole church of Jesus Christ. Local , national and international who all face various challenges and opportunities.

Thank you Father for loving and leading us onward together. Amen

“O Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord; Let us shout joyfully to the rock of our salvation. Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise! For the Lord is a great God, and a great King above all gods.” Ps. 95:1-3

Blessings to all!

Pastor Ian


Submitted by Ian Reid on 15 October, 2020


We praise God for His goodness and faithfulness during a challenging season of life.

We express our deep thankfulness to all who call Tuggeranong Baptist Church their place of spiritual belonging.

We are grateful for those in Elder and Leadership teams for their steadfast service as we navigate our path both in present days and into the future.

We are encouraged by the ministry of our Worship and Sight n Sound teams as they have ministered tirelessly to enable worship, fellowship and equipping each week (32 Tuesdays in a row!!)

We are deeply thankful to the Transition Team who have strategically and skilfully enabled our ministries and activities to resume in a safe and cohesive way.

We are thankful to the COVID-19 team who have prepared and planned and continue to serve in such inspiring ways as we return to gatherings at Garratt St on Sunday mornings from this Sunday!!

We thank you God for it all!!

Blessings Ian

The Ministry Of Grace

Submitted by Ian Reid on 8 October, 2020

Please join me in prayer asking God to move greatly in the lives of several people who are in great emotional distress.

These are very hard days in difficult times.

We are standing with people young and old in their pain and will continue to minister Gods grace to each.

It is such a blessing to be called upon as our church continues its witness and service in our local community.



Prayer through the Ages - Lead Us – St. Augustine

Submitted by Ian Reid on 17 September, 2020

Lead us, O God, from the sight of the lovely things of the world

To the thought of thee their Creator;

And grant that delighting in the beautiful things of thy creation,

we may delight in thee,

the first author of beauty and the Sovereign Lord of all thy works,

blessed for evermore.

Prayer through the Ages - Covenant Prayer – John Wesley

Submitted by Ian Reid on 17 September, 2020

I am no longer my own, but yours.

Put me to what you will, place me with whom you will.

Put me to doing, put me to suffering. Let me be put to work for you or set aside for you,

Praised for you or criticised for you.

Let me be full, let me be empty.

Let me have all things, let me have nothing.

I freely and fully surrender all things to your glory and service.

And now, O wonderful and holy God, Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer, you are mine, and I am yours.

So be it.

And the covenant which I have made on earth, Let it also be made in heaven.


Prayer through the Ages - Help Me Live It – Keith Green

Submitted by Ian Reid on 17 September, 2020

Oh Lord, You’re beautiful Your face is all I see

For when Your eyes are on this child Your grace abounds to me

Oh Lord, please light the fire That once burned bright and clean

Replace the lamp of my first love That burns with holy fear

I want to take Your Word and shine it all around But first help me just to live it, Lord

And when I’m doing well, help me to never seek a crown

For my reward is giving glory to You.

Prayers through the Ages - Christ Be With Me – St. Patrick

Submitted by Ian Reid on 17 September, 2020

Christ with me,

Christ before me, Christ behind me, Christ in me,

Christ beneath me, Christ above me,

Christ on my right, Christ on my left,

Christ where I lie, Christ where I sit, Christ where I arise,

Christ in the heart of everyone who thinks of me, Christ in the mouth of every one who speaks to me,

Christ in every eye that sees me, Christ in every ear that hears me.

Salvation is of the Lord. Salvation is of the Christ. May your salvation, Lord, be ever with us.

Prayer through the Ages - Make me an Instrument of Your Peace - St Francis of Assissi

Submitted by Ian Reid on 16 September, 2020

Instrument of Your Peace – St. Francis of Assisi

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.

Where there is hatred, let me sow love,

Where there is injury, pardon

Where there is doubt, faith,

Where there is despair, hope

, Where there is darkness, light,

Where there is sadness, joy.

O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console,

not so much to be understood as to understand,

not so much to be loved, as to love;

for it is in giving that we receive,

it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,

it is in dying that

we awake to eternal life.

Compose Prayer Request