18 September, 2020

Phil and Jenny Malone - Phil's book 13 Monsoons

Read the message below sent by Phil about a book he has written and this is free to download.

30 August, 2020

Michele Black Newsletter June 2020

Michele's Newsletter from June is published in two parts.

30 August, 2020

Phil and Jenny Malone's Newsletter - Malone Gateway News August 2020

Follow the link to Phil and Jenny's latest Newsletter.

They are now located in Melbourne and in the planning phases for their new ministry here in Australia.

30 August, 2020

Hay family New from iKhethelo Children's Village, South Africa

David writes that the rate of infection in South Africa seems to have reached its peak and is slowing, that the children have been able to go back to school and that the family has been able to go out on their days off.

To read the full Newsletter, download the file listed below.

28 August, 2020

Water for the garden

A pump and tap have now been fitted to the rainwater tank in the basement of the Garratt Street Centre so that we can harness this valuable resource.

Gardening Team members are very excited as it means that they can now proceed to install the irrigation system and then get on with the business of planting!

In consultation with Mona, who has developed the overall design, team members have been propagating plants since the beginning of the year. The bush fires and then the pandemic lock down prevented us from getting tasks in time for autumn planting - so now they are eager to move ahead.

Prior to the introduction of this new water source, the building had only one external tap which was not well positioned for an irrigation system.

A list of the supplies now needed to build the irrigation is now being compiled and costed. Thanks Kaye and Patrick!

28 August, 2020

CAP Money Course run under COVID Safe conditions - 26 July and 8 August 2020

The last CAP Money Course was conducted in two parts on 26 July and 8 August 2020 in the Community Room at The Garratt Street Centre with COVID Safety measures in place.

Robert Ardill, Lead Money Coach at Tuggeranong Baptist Church, reported that:

- Eight people registered and seven attended the CAP Money course on Saturday 8 August.

- Overall a very good group for discussion and sharing.

- We socially distanced and everyone brought their own food and drink and pens and pencils etc.

- All the materials handed out were distributed with gloved hands….surfaces wiped after finishing the course.

Comments from some of the Delegates who attended.:

- Thanks Coaches, that is a good course.

- I also heard a few good tips during the sessions and am inspired to check on a few things in my own budget.

- I had a good time at the Money Management course, as I did last time I took it. I think, for this course it was very helpful for me to do it twice. Just to get my head around the concepts. I think you are all very professional and very helpful people and I have at least one friend that I am sure will take your course.

14 August, 2020

6 Words that can change your life - teaching series August 2020

Learn how these six words can change your life. Join with us in August 2020 or listen to the series at any time.

YES 2 Corinthians 1:18-20 August 9

NO Luke 4:1-13 August 16

ENOUGH Luke 19:1-9 August 23

HELP John 2:1-11 August 30

SORRY Acts 5:1-11 September 6

THANKS John 6:5-13 September 13

14 August, 2020

Safe arrival of Olivia Grace Lloyd

Congratulations to Jenn and Daniel on the arrival of Olivia Grace at 9:05 am on Wednesday 22 July 2020.

She is blessed with red hair, like her dad, at birth, weighed 3.01 kg and was 47cm long (6lb 10 oz and 18.5 inches -in the old measurements that some of us still understand better). Jenn and Olivia are both doing well.
