5 March, 2025 @ All Day

Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the season of preparation for the events of Good Friday when we remember the sacrifice that God made of His one and only Son that all might be reconciled to Him.

Many Christians throughout the ages have given up something during this season which is known as Lent in order to have the space in their schedules and lives to take on extra efforts to draw nearer to God.

10 March, 2025 @ All Day

Canberra Day Public Holiday 10 March 2025

6 April, 2025 @ All Day

Clocks fall back - Daylight savings end

Daylight savings ends

13 April, 2025 @ All Day

Church Service - Sunday gathering 24 March 2025 - Palm Sunday

Join with others this Sunday when, in churches all over the world, Jesus triumphal entry into Jerusalem is remembered.

Follow the link for details about the style of our worship services and open the PDFS to find out how to load the Church App and use the RSVP function.

18 April, 2025 @ 10:00 AM

Good Friday service 18 April 2025

Join us to remember the culmination of God the Father's plan for our salvation in the death of His Son Jesus.

The Good Friday service will be held at the Garratt St Centre for a time of reflection and communion.

20 April, 2025 @ All Day

Easter 2025 - Resurrection Sunday - 20 April

Join with others to celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus and to join in the joyous greeting:

He is risen!

He is risen indeed!

21 April, 2025 @ All Day

Easter Monday Public Holiday

25 April, 2025 @ 2:30 PM

ANZAC Day Public Holiday

11 May, 2025 @ All Day

Mothers' Day 2025
