
Tuggeranong Baptist Church

At the Garratt Street Centre Wanniassa

Sermons Prayer and Prayer Requests Giving

Sunday Service at 10:00am

The Garratt St Centre Op Shop

The Op Shop's usual opening hours are 9:30 am to 2:00 pm, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

Donations are only accepted when the shop is open or by special arrangement with the manager, Brenda White.

Leadership of the Op Shop ministry passed to Brenda White in March 2023.

The Op Shop opened on 17 June 2010 and operated at the premises of the Tuggeranong Baptist Church, 33 Jenke Cct, Kambah until it was completely destroyed by fire on 17 June 2017 under the name of Seek'n'Find Op Shop. The volunteers immediately began to assemble a new stock of goods to be ready when the shop re-opened in temporary premises at the Wanniassa Shopping Centre in Sangster Place in October 2018. Here old and new connections were made with people who came to donate, to chat, to browse and to buy.

The shop moved to the Garratt St Centre in October 2019 when the premises was purchased by Tuggeranong Baptist Church.

The efforts of the Op Shop contribute to the church's Community of Givers fund that provides support for financial needs, especially to sole parents.

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About us

What to expect on a Sunday

What to expect on a Sunday

When are worship services, and what is they like?

The worship service is at 10 am Sunday mornings.

Our services usually include a blend of traditional and contemporary music

The worship service is little over 1 hour

We sing, we pray, we reflect, and we hear a message from the Bible

We are informal but ordered in the way we worship

Are kids welcome in the service?


Kids are welcome in the worship service!

Our Kids Church program, which operates in the Kids' Space, is in temporary recess.

You and your little ones (newborn to 3 years old) are welcome to remain in the main worship space. However, you may prefer to move with them to the Sanctuary.

Parents are asked to use antiseptic wipes provided to sanitise toys before allowing their children to use them.


Will you ask me for money?

Please do not feel obliged to give. We give to the church to show our thanks to God for what He has done for us, and also as a reminder to us that God owns all we have, and that He provides for us.

No cash offerings will be received. Information about how to give is available in the App or on our Website or you can speak to one of the team to arrange to give cash.

Will I be singled out, or asked to say anything?

No. You are free to be as anonymous as you like.

What should I wear?

Wear whatever you are comfortable in.

What about communion?

We take communion, usually on the first Sunday of the month.

No restrictions are placed on who is welcome to receive communion.

We respect each person’s decision about whether or not to participate in communion on each communion Sunday. This is a private decision between you and God.

The single sealed communion packs, introduced during COVID restrictions are available in the reception area for you to pick up and take with you to your seat.

If you choose not to participate, you can simply stay seated, and allow those moving to the front pass.

After the service

You may choose to stay after the service to meet and greet others and build relationships with others.


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    23 Garratt Street Wanniassa
